FImo DIY, polymer clay tutorials

Polymer clay embroidery jewelry set

There are times when one piece of jewelry is enough, but for the other times I collected for you some amazing polymer clay embroidery jewelry set. In this beautiful presentation will scroll rings, earrings and pendants that are just waiting to be loved.

Each piece is handmade with great patience and passion for you to have exquisite jewelry. You’ll absolutely love the fact that for the detail no molds are used. Each small detail in the design is carefully applied with thin needle and many hours are invested in the creation of each set.

Take a look at this amazing collection and leave a comment with your favorite polymer clay embroidery jewelry set. In return, for you to have your best look ever I’ll tell you were you can buy it. On Etsy there’s a lovely shop: charancreations where you can order any of the items below.

Did you enjoyed this collection of polymer clay embroidery jewelry set? For more jewelry ideas you can use this link. Thanks for visiting!

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