Polymer clay characters
I discover the storyboard for children! If I enjoyed enormously when I found a polymer clay characters shop on etsy, do you realize what it is like for a child to receive this gifts? The nice part of working with polymer clay is that you spend a lot less money and you receive a lot more smiles and happines.
- World of Oz
- Alice in Wonderland
- Little red
- Ariel
- Beauty and the beast
- Collana tinkerbell
- Disney princess
- Sailor Moon
- Princess Sofia
- Oceania doll
- Elsa
- Howl
- Mafalda
- Masha and the bear
- Mrs Pepper
- Rapunzel
- Minion
- Peanuts
- Fairy
- Lisa and Seya
- Disney villains
- dolls
Did you enjoy this selection of polymer clay characters? I want you to tell me something and be sincere: are you going to read a story this night while going to bed?
Go to this page if you want to buy any of the character presented above, they are all for sale, and the price is wort it!!!
Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get new ideas and updates on free fimo/ polymer clay free tutorials.
Thank you so much for visiting! I hope to see you soon!