Fake polymer clay agate tutorial

Today we will learn together how to create agate stone. This fake polymer clay agate tutorial will start a new area within your creations. The sky is the limit!

For this fake polymer clay agate tutorial you will need:

  • clay: translucent, white, purple (or any other color of your choice)
  • cutter
  • Pasta machine or roller

Step 1

First step of this polymer clay agate tutorial is to cut small pieces of white clay, translucent clay and translucent purple clay (you can create it by combining purple with translucent). After cutting small pieces out of clay you will have to mix them into a cylinder.

Step 2

As the next step of this polymer clay agate tutorial you will create slim sheets of different shades of purple to cover the cylinder. The many you’ll have, the more it will look natural. For some of the sheets you will need to use translucent clay to create the illusion of real stone.

Fake polymer clay agate tutorial

Agate stones came in many colors. You can use the same technique and play a little more with colors 🙂

I hope you enjoyed this fake polymer clay agate tutorial. If you tried to make your own please share with us the result in the comment section.

Click here for more free dyi fimo/polymer clay tutorials and save the link on your bookmarks because you will definitely want to check it frequently for ideas and inspiration.

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