Polymer clay jewelry sets to wear on Monday at the office

A proverb says that if you don’t like Mondays you should change your job! I hope you are part of the people who love them and your morning concern is what to wear. And for this problem I have a nice solution which consists of 6 polymer clay jewelry sets. I’m pretty sure that this sets will will gather all eyes.

Before going to our collection of polymer clay jewelry sets, I have something to ask: do you prefer sets or go to singular jewelry? Me for example I use sets on special occasions, on a daily bases I usually go for one piece to attract attention.

  • polymer clay jewelry set – artist: Katblin

Polymer clay jewelry sets to wear on Monday at the office

  • polymer clay jewelry set – artist: Olga Ledneva

Polymer clay jewelry sets to wear on Monday at the office

  • polymer clay jewelry set – artist: Stamaina

Polymer clay jewelry sets to wear on Monday at the office

  • clay jewelry set – artist: MiniMiJewelry

Polymer clay jewelry sets to wear on Monday at the office

  • clay jewelry set – artist: Amatista

Polymer clay jewelry sets to wear on Monday at the office

  • clay jewelry set – artist: Sasha Roma

Polymer clay jewelry sets to wear on Monday at the office

 What do you think about this collection? It will look like you are wearying a piece of art!
Ladies, thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a nice week with great inspiration! If you want to share some of your work please contact me.

Don’t forget to follow my Pinterest page to get inspired and updated with new techniques and free diy tutorials.

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